

The ACLU Crisis Center was designed by Sean Leach, Chris Elawa, and Robyn Goodridge in a senior design course at Simon Fraser University as a response to the tumultuous political climate in the United States. Every day there are news stories regarding people whose civil liberties are being threatened, showing a need for legal aid to adapt to quickly changing circumstances. Beyond this, however, the ACLU Crisis Center also aims to open a dialogue and bring attention to the realities of these stories.

One of these events that has occured recently is the cancellation of DACA (The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), which protected eligible immigrant youth from deportation – many organizations, the ACLU included, are working to help those who are affected. More information can be found on the ACLU’s website.


ACLU Pitch
ACLU Journey Framework
ACLU Passive Reactionary
ACLU Current Website
ACLU Conditions of a Crisis
ACLU Data Collection
ACLU Entry Points
ACLU Scenario


ACLU Scenario Flow
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ACLU Police Facebook Post
ACLU Police Facebook Messenger
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ACLU Police Questioning
ACLU Ice Questioning
ACLU Police Questioning
ACLU Ice Lawyer
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection
ACLU data collection